Election recap; New legislative leadership; Infrastructure bill signed into law; NorthStar’s latest personnel move

NorthStar Strategies TrueNorth Insights

New Jersey’s 2021 election may go down as one of the most memorable in history. The election helped spur a shake-up in Trenton that included new leaders of the Senate and Assembly and smaller majorities for Democrats in both chambers. We’ve got a complete run-down.

Republicans and Democrats in Washington can still find agreement on the importance of infrastructure, as evidenced by the $1.2 trillion package signed into law by President Biden on Monday. Keep reading for the funding breakdown and what it means for New Jersey.

Finally, NorthStar made another personnel move on November 1st, but not the kind you’re thinking.  

Port Authority Leadership Shake-up; Gov Candidates Select Running Mates

NorthStar Strategies TrueNorth Insights

This issue of TrueNorth digs into the recently-announced leadership changes at the Port Authority of New York & New Jersey. We also update you on anything you may have missed regarding last week’s announcement of Lieutenant Governor candidates in New Jersey’s race for governor.  

Marijuana, Transportation Woes, Governor’s Race

NorthStar Strategies TrueNorth Insights

This issue of TrueNorth covers the introduction of legislation to legalize marijuana for recreational use. We also spotlight a number of recent transit developments in the region that could reshape train travel for generations to come. We also give you a few nuggets from the gubernatorial campaign trail in the lead-up to the June 6 primary. 

Gateway Funding; Tom MacArthur; Cuomo IG

NorthStar Strategies TrueNorth Insights

In this issue of TrueNorth we explore the funding complexities surrounding Gateway, a program of rail infrastructure improvements that includes a vitally needed new tube under the Hudson. We also peer inside the Beltway to see how one of our own, Congressman Tom MacArthur, is positioning himself on issues like ACA reform. We take a closer look at the fight for primacy at the Port Authority of New York & New Jersey as Jersey pols push back on aggressive maneuvering by New York Governor Cuomo. And we thank everyone who attended the inaugural event at our new offices. 

TTF; Gov’s Race; Christie to Addiction Commission

NorthStar Strategies TrueNorth Insights

Read our coverage of action in Trenton to jumpstart funding for road, bridge and transit work made possible by last Fall’s TTF deal. Also check out our synopsis of new developments in the race for Governor as well as President Trump’s recent appointment of Governor Christie to chair a newly formed national Addiction Commission.